Editors’ picks: favourite drinks

Whether it’s to quench their thirst or to settle down during or after a long day, get to know the subshape team through their favourite beverages.


Or, as the Dutch would say, ‘proost!’

Michelle’s go-to

My go-to drink is a cola light with loads of ice. It always feels like a reviving drink after a tiring day.

During holidays I really like drinking slushie cocktails. They hold nice memories for me. It’s a lot of work to make these, so I only make them very occasionally. When I do make them, it’s a real treat! 

Sharmila’s pick

I love how refreshing and tasty water is. When I drink it, I really feel like it quenches my thirst in a way no other drink can. Also, water is good for you! It’s what other drinks are made of. 

I usually only drink water, tea and milk. When I go out or on special occasions, I like to drink cider, wine or coffee. I also like daweth or tjendol, which are types of Indonesian and Surinamese drinks. My drink of choice in these different situations depends on the context or setting.


Irene’s favourite

I like all kinds of tea. Sometimes I like it with a dash of milk, other times I like Jasmine or Rooibos tea. 

However, I truly love a chai latte. Chai latte is warming and I like mine extra hot and spicy.

When I need a refreshing drink, I love sparkling water with a slice of lime. It reminds me of my childhood in Suriname, where we made lemonade with limes and cane sugar. Especially during hot weather, it’s a particularly refreshing drink.

Mary’s go-to

My go-to drink is a (homemade) iced tea. It’s refreshing and it’s nice to drink at any time of the day. My all-time favourite flavour is peach.




Leonie’s pick

I like to start every day with a nice strong cup of coffee with a little bit of milk. For me, it’s also the perfect pick-me-up during a busy day at work. Sometimes, even just the aroma of dark roasted beans makes me feel ready for anything!

Shanta’s favourite

I’m a huge tea drinker. I like my tea strong and simple: no sugar, no milk, no additions. When it comes to tea, I prefer (Japanese) green tea. My favourite types are Sencha or Houjicha. The latter is a roasted green tea that has earthy notes.

Sometimes, when it’s late, I go for a Rooibos melange, because it’s comforting and soothing. Other than tea, I drink a LOT of sparkling water. I like the distinct taste of sparkling water. It has a slight acidity and there’s nothing quite like it. By adding a slice of citrus fruit to it, this ‘simple’ water becomes an entirely different and tasty drink.

What is your favourite drink? Is it the same as your go-to drink?

Illustrations by Shanta Jethoe